by KAM | May 15, 2016 | News
If you only recently signed up for my mailing list, you may have missed my most recent newsletter. (You are on the mailing list, right? No? Then go here.) You can still check it out via this link. I only send these every 2 or 3 months and always try to include...
by KAM | Apr 12, 2016 | News
It seems like yesterday – and also like ages ago – that I did a short tour in California and Arizona. It was a whirlwind of music, fun, and new friends. Over nine days in March, I covered 2700 miles, played two full-set shows, three songwriter nights, two open mics,...
by KAM | Mar 5, 2016 | News
I was recently asked by a super-talented friend of mine, Dawn Gonzales, to participate in her “Freelance Friday” series of interviews. She’s talking to those in creative fields who are trying to make a go of it pursuing their chosen vocation. I love...
by KAM | Feb 12, 2016 | News
I’ll be making my way to Phoenix and Tucson via Southern California in early/mid-March. Please check the shows page for more details. Here’s the quick list of where I’m going and when: March 8 – Arcadia, CA March 9 – Tucson, AZ March 11...
by KAM | Dec 17, 2015 | News
Hi folks. I’m very very excited to share a new song co-written with a new friend, Amber Ikeman! It’s called “When I’ll Know.” We met at this year’s FAR West conference in Oakland and got together shortly after to write a new tune....
by KAM | Nov 4, 2015 | News
I just wrapped up a tremendous month of music, highlighted by the annual FAR West conference and capped off with a great night at Awaken Cafe in Oakland. This was my second year at FAR West. The “FAR” stands for Folk Alliance Region, and there are 5...